Sunday 17 April 2011

Tickell Review of the EYFS: key words

What are the main messages of the Tickell Review? One way of answering that question is by creating a Word Cloud, which is what I've done below using Worlde.  The words used most in the Review are given greater prominence in the graphic (I left out the proposals for Development Matters, the new Profile, and the bibliography; all the other text is included). 

What does it tell us about the review? My thoughts are: it's interesting to have learning and development so prominently, but no sight of teaching. When it comes to specific words to describe people or places, they are not in evidence: school, nursery, teacher and nursery nurse are not visible.  Broader terms are preferred: practitioner and setting, for example. There is little sign of key personemotional or social (I'm thinking of social and emotional development); but needs and support are both there to see. Healthlanguage and parents are all pretty large - key areas of focus? And I wonder if the prominence of local and specific nod to the current political climate? 

Or maybe something quite different stands out to you?

You can see the graphic full-size here

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